Online Giving

Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.

When we truly and deeply understand that everything we have is a gift from God, generosity will overflow from us. At Haw Branch Church we believe that everything we have belongs to God and He has entrusted us to be good stewards. Whether it is in the form of finances, resources, service or time, it is a believer’s responsibility to give back to the Lord. Hopefully, you, too will be transformed by the act of giving in any and every way!


3 ways to give:

  1. In person (drop your gift in one of our “Offering Buckets” at the back of our auditorium [Don’t forget! When giving to 5/5/5, use a 5/5/5 envelope provided in the back of the pews])
  2. Our website via this “Give” page (Just click the Church Center Logo below and it will take you to the “Haw Branch” Church Center website. You will need to Login or Create an account)
  3. The Church Center App downloaded onto your smartphone (set up an account linking your bank account or debit card to this secure app which allows for freedom to set up recurrent tithing and/or on-demand tithing/gifts/specific donations.)

Click the Pic to Give Now!

What does 'tithe' mean?

Tithing is more than giving. The word “tithe” literally means tenth or 10%. Tithing, or giving ten percent of your income, isn’t merely giving something to God. It’s giving back what was His to begin with. All that we have, or hope to have, comes from him. The Bible says that tithing is a reminder that God is the supplier of everything. It teaches us to always put God first in our lives.

Can and should I give beyond my tithe?

We encourage routinely giving beyond the definition of ‘tithe’. In Malachi 3:10, God says “Go ahead. I dare you. See if you can out-give me.” Giving beyond the tithe is a chance for you to be extravagantly generous. You can give additional gifts to the general fund, or to a specific project like “Our Story Continues” Family Life Center Fund, our Scholarship Fund, Benevolence Fund, our children and youth ministries and more. So go ahead, test and experience God’s generosity!

What type of bank accounts can I give from?

You can give online from either your checking or savings account.

Should I use a credit card to give?

While online giving can have advantages, we want each person who chooses this option to make sure they are giving in a spirit that is pleasing to the Lord. While there are several ways to give electronically, including automatic withdrawal from checking accounts, savings accounts, debit cards and credit cards, we strongly discourage the use of credit cards. “…The borrower is servant to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7

Can I make a one-time contribution?

Yes. The system allows you the option of either making a one-time contribution or setting up a recurring contribution that is scheduled to process from your bank account or savings account at a frequency chosen by the donor.

Where is my money being used?

Unlike some church organizations, Haw Branch Church of Christ is nondenominational and does not have a headquarters filtering money in, out and throughout the various local church ministries. Conversely, here at HBCC, we follow the biblically framed model of the Eldership overseeing the affairs of the Body including the church budget. Every dollar that is given to HBCC is utilized to fund and maintain staff salaries, building maintenance and the various service ministries available. Want a first hand view of where your money is utilized? Get plugged in to one of our many service opportunities!

How do I give of my time?

Please visit the Serving In and the Serving Out page for more information on service opportunities inside the church Body and outside of the church walls.

How to Download Church Center App onto your Smartphone & Set Up Account

How to GIVE using the Church Center App